Carila Pty Limited ACN 119 906 179, trading as Just Honk Used Cars, is a wholly owned subsidiary of McMillan Shakespeare Limited ACN 107 233 983. McMillan Shakespeare Limited (MMS) and its related bodies corporate, collectively known as the McMillan Shakespeare Group (MMSG), are committed to protecting the privacy and the rights of individuals with whom they deal. To see how Just Honk Used Cars collects, holds, uses, discloses (including to entities located overseas), and manages personal information, how you may access and correct your personal information, how you can make a privacy complaint and how we will deal with such complaint, and how you can opt out from receiving promotional material from us, please view our privacy policy by clicking the link below. If you would like a copy of our Privacy Policy, please contact us on 1300 649 515 or by email at [email protected].